Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Exploring Unchartered Territories

Exploring Unchartered Territories
This welcoming upgrade from a reputable localised college to a University College-level institution with an international standard has undeniably boosted our confidence in striving further for excellence. Linton University College’s past successes and its new status as a University College have opened new opportunities for its Institution and at the same time, present a new set of challenges as there is a vast ocean of unchartered opportunities that has yet been explored. Making our way through each new path as we advance through this new academic year of 2010, Linton aims to use this new status as a platform for transformation as a full fledged University College, with immense passion and dedication to improve our image and ability to become a highly reputable institution in providing first class tertiary education to all generation, not just in Malaysia, but throughout the world.

Adhering closely to the nation’s mission to be recognised as Asia’s new education hub, Linton University College aims to position itself as a renowned international university college in the field of Engineering, Built Environment and Technology. We will continue to provide high standard education services to students from all around the world in these critical fields of studies with particular emphasis on practical and industry-oriented courses. Instead of becoming merely “paper qualified” individuals, we want our graduates to become “techno-preneur” professionals who are constantly prepared to explore new territories in their career fields, and have the ability and skills to explore “Terra Incognita” - the unchartered landscape of tomorrow. Linton University College looks forward to many years of uncompromising commitment to accomplish this VISION. We aim to make Linton a renowned centre of scholarship, learning and teaching, intellectual creativity and humane values. It is our mission now to elevate our distinguished Institution to become a full university within the next 5 years.
For more information, please contact seetaiyang@legendagroup.edu.my or call +6012 374 1511

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